There is a delayed airforce program
It was it was 2017, and I received a phone call from the famous YouTuber Calgai, and he said he wanted to record my delayed entry program. Most of you guys know Calgai. I was like, cool, come on out. So he came out there and I picked his brain about YouTube. And honestly, it’s one of the reasons why I started doing a YouTube channel. So you can watch that video later about what to expect at a debt call. But for now, you can watch this video on what to expect while in the delayed entry program. All right, so when you return from Meps, one of the first things you’re going to do is sit down with your recruiter and you guys are going to go over some basic forms and what to expect while you’re in the Delay Entry program. It’s pretty much going to be very similar to this video. So one of your biggest responsibilities is to download the AIM High app, which used to be the Delay Entry program app. I just feel like the AIM High app has the same amount of information plus more. I actually made a video about the AIM High app, which goes into depth about what you need to know.
For your responsibilities in a depth, you need to make sure you know first and foremost, your reporting statement, which is… Sir Training. Sir Training Wayne reports as ordered. That is essential when going to basic training. You need to also make sure you know the Airman’s Cree. I’m an American Airman. Also, you might want to learn the Air Force song. Those are your responsibilities while in a depth. Also, you need to understand the investigation process. So when you went to maps and you sat down with the security office, you actually initiated your background check for your secret clearance. So understand that while you’re in the delayed entry program, there’s an investigator out there somewhere going through all your stuff and making sure you are who you are and you’re not some terrorist or something. So you also need to be prepared to receive a phone call, and you also need to notify anybody you put in your application that they can receive a phone call as well. This investigation takes some time, so it may not be done before you go to basic training. It may be going on while you’re in basic training in tech school, so keep your nose clean the entire time.
It is also your responsibility to get yourself into some shape before you go to basic training. You do not want to go to basic training and be out of shape because it will suck for you if you get there and you haven’t done anything to prepare yourself. I used to also have my applicants write a review for you boys. Put it on Facebook, put something on Instagram, put something on Yelp on Google. Let the people know about me and how my customer service is and taking care of you. Your recruiters will appreciate that. And also, if you want to take it a step further, hook your recruiter up. Tell your friends about me. I’m telling you, it’s cold out in these streets for recruiters. So if you hook them up with somebody who’s also interested, they’ll appreciate you for it. And don’t be giving them people who got like three felonies and can barely tie their shoes. You want to give them somebody as qualified as yourself. I would also tell all of my debt members that we have monthly meetings. We call them debt calls. And I would either have this once a month or maybe twice a month, just depending on how much time I have.
And at these For the DEP calls, you can expect to get your height and weight check to make sure that you haven’t gained any weight or went under your minimum weight while in a delayed entry program. You can also expect to maybe do some PT with your recruiter. And maybe you may even go to an event like a hockey game game or a football game, baseball game. You might even go somewhere like Dave and Bust. It really just depends on how much time your recruiter has to make those debt calls meaningful. But here are some rules for you while in a delayed entry program. You want to make sure when you go to the DEP calls that you wear an Air Force shirt. If you haven’t got an Air Force shirt, reach out to your recruiter and say, Hey, where’s my shirt? And then show up to the debt calls and those shirts so everybody knows that you’re a debt member. If you can’t make it to the debt call, let your recruiter know. Don’t let them know the day of, like 15 minutes before. Give them a heads up. That the way they know not to expect you and maybe reschedule for another time to meet you because they got to see you guys.
Maybe when you go to the debt call, invite one of your friends or something so they can see how it is. Maybe they might be interested. When you’re at a debt call, your recruiter is going to bring you into a room, get you height and weight. And that was my time to get the one on one with you and make sure there are no changes since the last time I saw you. So I would ask you, Hey, man, how’s things going? Got a new girlfriend? Got a new boyfriend? Anybody pregnant? Any drugs since the last time I talked to you? Have you got any law violations since the last time I talked to you? Have you hurt Have you gotten sick? Have there been any changes since the last time I’ve seen you? And this is very important because if there are changes, then the recruiter needs to know so they can document because the last thing they want to do is get surprised as you’re getting closer to the shipping and they found out something changed. So let your recruiters know as you go any changes that happen while you’re in a delayed entry program.
Also, don’t do any extreme activities. If you are a skydiver or if you are a professional alligator wrestler, do not do that while in the delayed entry program. Please don’t. Just don’t. Try to avoid getting any tattoos, anything like that. It’s just going to make the paperwork harder. Also, MAPs counts a tattoo as an open wound, so we don’t want any open wounds when we go back to MAP. Also, try to avoid getting married, especially within the last 30 days of going to basic training. If you’re going to get married, just do it before 30 days out. You should already know you’re going to marry that person. Don’t wait until 30 days out. Also, the debt calls are a chance for you to meet other people who are going to basic training. So it’s a It’s a good time to pick their brain and also get to know them because you may be going to basic training with them. So while you’re in a delayed entry program, your recruiter is going to eventually find you a job based off of the job preferences you listed while at MAP. That job is going to come with a date.
It’s going to say, Hey, you’re going to basic training on this date. Your recruiter is going to call you in to sign a contract, and at that time, you can choose whether you’re going to sign a four or six-year contract. But once you sign that contract and you get within 30 days, it’s crunch time. At that time, your recruiter is going to want to start paying you more often. So at the 30 day mark, this is the time when I started doing more forms with my debt members. I would do the direct deposit form. This form is used so you can start getting paid. The Air Force is going to start directly depositing money into whatever bank account you choose to put on your direct deposit form. So when you go to basic training and start getting paid, the money is going to be in your bank account. You don’t even have to worry about it. I would also have my applicants sign their life insurance form. By joining the Air Force, you’re entitled to $400,000 life insurance. So in the event that you may pass for any reason, you list your beneficiaries and they get the money upon your passing.
I would also, at this time, really start crunching down to make sure my debt members started knowing that memory work. So I would start asking them, Hey, do you know your reporting statement? Do you know the Airman’s Creed? Do you know the Air Force song? Do you know what the Air Force’s core values are? Do you know the enlisted and officer rank structure? Do you know what the chain of command is? Those things are very important. So I would start asking them about the 30-day mark. Have you started to memorize this information? You will have to see your recruiter again at the 15-day mark, and they’re going to make sure that there are no changes since the 30 days. They will also want to make sure that you have all your documents ready to go, like your Social Security card, your driver’s license, your birth certificate. They want to make sure that you still have all those documents. That’s also the time when I want to make sure that your bank is good to go for your direct deposit for it. I would also give my applicants the Air Force Wing Mom’s website, and that’s for their parents.
That’s a website your parents can go on and get the latest up to date information on what’s going on in basic training. And then we have the seven day. At this time, we should already be good to go. At this time, I’m making sure your height and weight is still the same. You haven’t gotten any heavier on me. You haven’t gotten any lighter on me if you were close to your minimum weight. I’m also making sure there’s no open wounds. You’re not coming into my office with some type of limp, some type of gimp. I’m making sure that you are still good to go and physically fit to make it through basic training. Then we have the last day before you ship. At this point, everything should be tight. There should be no more surprises. I’m making sure you got your ride, all your paperwork is good to go. I also want to make sure that your bags are good to go, so you have everything you need. When you get to basic training, you ain’t got to worry about not having something. And then I’m going to get you on a shuttle or your parents can take you up to the hotel for you to rest in the night before you actually go back to Meps.
On actual ship day, you’re going to go back to Meps and you’re going to do an inspection. They’re basically going to make sure that you are the same person you were when you originally went to Meps. I actually made a video on what to expect in Meps if you haven’t already started the process. But if you have started the process and you’re going back to Meps for your inspection, then while you’re there, the doctor is just going to go back over those medical questions, make sure you are still good to go. Hey, have there been any changes? The security office is going to do the same thing. Have there been any changes? And your MEPs liaison is also going to make sure that they haven’t been any changes. They’re also going to get you on a scale to make sure your height and weight is still good. And they may visibly look at you to make sure that there are no open sores or no open wounds on your body. For women, they’re going to make you take a pregnancy test to make sure you aren’t pregnant. So make sure you aren’t pregnant when you go back to Meps.
Upon them, figuring out that your inspection is good, you’re going to eventually sit down with your Meps liaison. They’re going to go back through all your paperwork, your contract, make sure everything is good to go. If you did a four-year, at this point, you can still change to the six-year if that’s what you want to do. And then they’re just going to make you wait until everybody else is ready to ship. Once everybody’s ready to ship, they’re going to put you on a shuttle, and the shuttle is going to take you to the airport. The airport, you’re going to fly into basic training, and boom, that’s how it starts. Remember, when you get to basic training, they will give you another urinalysis. So if you are smoking marijuana while you’re in a delayed entry program, because I know some of you are, you need to stop. Because if you go to basic training and you pop positive on a urinalysis, they’re going to kick you out. It’s over. So stop smoking the marijuana. Get off the refer. Like I said, you can watch that Cal Got video about what to expect during a depth call.
I really hope this video was valuable to you. If you want to hear more about Air Force Lifestyle and benefits, then make sure you hit that subscribe button. And until next time, check me out.