What’s up, soldiers? This is Wobbly Honest. Here, I’m going to talk to you guys about getting shots at BMT. Now, I know some of you guys are probably concerned about this. It’s probably one of your nervous things that you’ve probably been thinking about before you ship out to BMT. It’s understandable why some people have fear of needles, fear of getting shots and stuff like that, but I wouldn’t be too concerned. There’s plenty of things at BMT that are going to be distracting you. There are things that you’re going to be thinking about, and you’re not really going to be thinking about getting your shots that much when you actually get there. Me personally, I didn’t really think about it until we got there and they handed us a sheet of paper when we went to the clinic and they were like, You need to get all these shots. And I’m like, Holy crap, that’s a lot of shots. So this is how it’s going to work. Around your third day of BMT, you’re going to be marched down to the Reed Clinic, which is like the hospital. It’s like a little mini hospital. Anytime in BMT, if you’re ever sick or you sprain your ankle or you get really sick and you need medication, you’re going to be going to the Reed Clinic.
But when you first get there, you’re going to be going just to get your shots. You’re going to go into the Reed Clinic, you’re going to sit down in a bunch of lines and you’re going to be sitting and waiting for your shots. Now, as you’re sitting there, the nurses are going to come around and they’re going to pass out a bunch of different colored pieces of paper. Each different color represents how many shots you need. There’s like four or five different colors. If you are one of the people who didn’t turn in any of your medical records as a civilian, they’re going to give you all the shots. They’re going to make sure that you’re up to date. Now, you might be asking yourself the question, how do they know how many shots they need to give you? Well, before you join the Air Force, you’re going to have to turn in your medical records. If you don’t turn in your metal correctors, then they’re going to give you all the shots to make sure that you’re up to date. If you do turn in your medical records, they’re going to review them and they’re going to see, Okay, you’re up to date on your musels, your tendon shot, your flu shot, all this other stuff.
So we don’t need to give you those shots. You’re only going to get two or three shots today. However, if you’re like me and you’re going to turn in your stuff, you’re going to be getting like five or six different shots. So once you get your death sentence and you get your piece of paper, you’re going to line up and you’re going to be on the side of the wall and like a six flag style like a herd of cattle lined up ready for slaughter, and then you’re going to go to this room. So once you go through a doorway, you’re going to be in this room. It’s a long hallway, and on either side of the hallway is a bunch of nurses with the shots. The first person is going to be your dorm chief. Your dorm chief is going to have a bunch of alcoholic swabs so that you can take them and rub them on your shoulders. Make sure you rub real good so you don’t get infected. You’re also going to rub the back of your tricep right here. So you’re going to hold onto the alcoholic swabs. You’re going to roll up your sleeves like this.
You’re going to start walking down the line. As you go down the line, you’re going to basically just get your shots. They already know which ones you need. You’re just going to stand there, take a step up. They’re going to shoot you, take a step up. Next person shoots you, take a step up, and you’re just going to go all the way down the line. I want to be honest with you, they don’t really hurt. The first one might hurt. I think the first one hurt a little bit. It’s just the type of needle it was. The second one just felt like a puff of air. The one in the back of your tricep hurt a little bit. I think in total, I only got about six shots. I think I got two here, one here, or maybe two here. One in the back of my tricep. I got blood drawn, but that’s not really a shot. Finally, I got my peanut butter shot, which is the penicillin shot. The very last shot that you’re going to get is the infamous peanut butter shot. A lot of people ask me questions about this, like, does the peanut butter shot actually exists?
Or is this just a myth? I’m like, yeah, it actually exists. Hold on to your ass, it hurts. This is what the nurse is going to tell you to do. You’re going to lean over, pull your pants down, not all the way, just one side, whichever cheek you don’t like the most. And you’ll pull that down and then she’s going to ask you some trick question to keep her mind away. She’ll be like, look over there. How many corners are on that number 4? And you’re going to be looking at the number 4, counting the angles and stuff. And meanwhile, she’s just shooting you with the needle. It doesn’t really hurt getting the shot. What hurts is the after effect. It’s like a lingering dull pain. The best way to get this over as fast as possible is just to loosen up your leg. Don’t tighten up, don’t clench up, don’t flex, because what that’s going to do is it’s going to prevent the medicine from seeking into the muscle. Also, if you have a small butt, it’s not going to really seek in that well. It’s not going to be absorbed into your system as fast, so it might take a little longer.
If you have a bigger butt, then it’s probably going to be absorbed for then maybe a day or two. The best thing to do is run. Once you actually start doing PT and start running, it goes away like that because you’re using the muscle, it’s getting worked into your system. So it hurts. It hurts to sit down. It hurts to walk. It hurts to really clench up your muscle or anything like that. But you’ll live. Once you get through with it, it’s just like, whatever, you did it. And don’t be afraid because everybody in your flight, all 100 people within your flight and your brother flight or your sister flight are getting the same shot. I just wouldn’t put too much thought into it because once you get the shot, everybody’s getting the same shot. You’re just a part of the mix. All 100 people in your fight and your brother flight getting the same one. But that’s pretty much all I have to say about shots. I hope you guys enjoyed that video. I hope I answered your question. See you guys next time. Peace.